Baby Bank gets a welcome boost

Banbridge baby bank receives boostBanbridge baby bank receives boost
Banbridge baby bank receives boost
A community baby bank in Banbridge has received a welcome donation from Nature’s Aid, aimed at ensuring babies in the area have access to the necessary vitamins and minerals to support their immune system and ongoing development.

Baby Basics, located on Church Square, is a volunteer-led project offering support to new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby baby, and is also supported by the Duchess of Cambridge. Families are exclusively referred to Baby Basics by professional health workers, meaning support is given to those who need it most, including but not limited to teenage mums, people seeking asylum and women fleeing domestic abuse and trafficking. Natures Aid has provided the project with a supply of Mini Drops Vitamin D3, which the department of health recommends all children take as it’s necessary for the development of growing bones and contributes to the normal function of the immune system – even more vital during a pandemic.

Cat Ross, CEO of Baby Basics, said: “This donation from Natures Aid is not only extremely timely and greatly appreciated, but also provides our families with vital supplements that we’ve not been able to provide often enough.”

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Natures Aid Nutritionist and mum of one, Jenny Logan, said: “Now more than ever, people are concerned about getting all the vitamins and minerals they need, particularly nutrients like Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc, which support a healthy immune system – We’re really encouraged that there continues to be selfless organisations like Baby Basics looking out for families in need and we hope our donation makes a difference.” Families in need of the type of support that Baby Basics can provide can visit