3,000 smokers in Moyle - can you kick the habit this year?

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) Northern Ireland, the Public Health Agency (PHA) and Cancer Focus Northern Ireland are urging Moyle’s THREE THOUSAND smokers to kick the habit this No Smoking Day (March 12).

This year’s ‘V for Victory’ theme is set to inspire even more people to win the fight against cigarettes and quit for good on Wednesday 12 March.

Half of all long-term smokers die because of their addiction to tobacco, making this one of the most pressing health concerns in the area, according to the heart charity.

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Research from stop smoking services shows that smokers are four times more likely to be effective in quitting if they use specialist stop smoking support and treatment.

Victoria Taylor, Senior Heart Health Dietitian at British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland said: “Some smokers feel they need to smoke to keep trim but contrary to the urban myth, you don’t have to consign yourself to an early grave in order to stay in control of your waistline.”

For support on quitting, visit: nosmokingday.org.uk